2015 Canadian Enneagram Conference

Thank you Presenters


Feedback from the Conference

"World class speakers and an outstanding attendee experience!"

"Lovely opportunity to meet amazing people and learn more about the enneagram."

"This conference offered so much value for such a low financial investment."

"Attendees were equally impressive -- very willing to share their knowledge and resources. One of the best conferences I have ever attended."

“This conference was terrific. Well planned, well organized, beautifully executed.”

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who made the conference such a success! To everyone who attended: thank you for sharing your stories, sitting on panels and enriching the conference with your presence.

Day One!

MAY 15TH, 2015

A fantastic first day of the conference! Thank you to all the presenters who shared their insights and wisdom with us. We appreciate all those who stepped up to sit on panels. Great job volunteers: you moved chairs, introduced presenters, posted signs and ensured that our technology worked. Well done everybody! Let's do it again tomorrow!

Enneagram Panels

MAY 5TH, 2015

Our conference is home to five panel sessions. We need your help to make them happen! A panel is where one or more people from each personality type comes to the front of the room and shares with us how life looks from their perspective. A panel is a real opportunity to get direct knowledge and experience from people whose perspective may be very different than yours. It’s a chance to hear the types in their own words, with their own communication style, both verbal and non-verbal. The facilitators of each panel will invite people to come up. Please volunteer – the only requirements are that you know your type and that you be yourself.

Discounted prices end soon

APRIL 25TH, 2015

The conference is only three weeks away -- we're getting excited and hope you are, too. If you're still not sure about joining us, take a look at our amazing presentation line up. Get a one-day ticket for only $100 and try us out. Register soon; discounted prices are in effect until April 28.

PODcast: All about the Enneagram

APRIL 19TH, 2015

Check out this podcast featuring our very own Bettylynn Stoops promoting the conference and the Enneagram Intensive 2.0 training that follows it. Register now, discounted prices are in effect until April 28.

EXTENDED: Grant for Young Adults

APRIL 14TH, 2015

Our Young Adult grant program has been extended until April 28! Courtesy of a grant from Consciousness in Action, Young adults, (18-30) can apply for financial assistance to attend the Conference. Assistance is available for travel, accommodations and registration. Let young adults know about this amazing opportunity! Click here to apply.

One for All

APRIL 1ST, 2015

This month, we focus on Personality Type One. Ones represent the capacity in all of us to be wise and noble. Ones bring forth a vision of the goodness and correctness that this moment could (and should) have. Discover more about Ones and all nine Enneagram types at our conference. Register now! Discounted Rates last until April 28th!

Grant for Young Adults

MARCH 27TH, 2015

Courtesy of a grant from Consciousness in Action, Young adults, (18-30) can apply for financial assistance to attend the Conference. Assistance is available for travel, accommodations and registration. Let young adults know about this amazing opportunity! Offer expires April 15. Click here to apply.

Keynote Speaker: Terry Saracino

MARCH 25TH, 2015

We are pleased to announce that Terry Saracino will deliver the keynote speech for our conference. Terry is the founder and president of the Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition. Passionate about the Enneagram, she has taught the Enneagram for 25 years in workshops and conferences around the world.

Understanding our Bosses

MARCH 6TH, 2015

Do you find your boss annoying? The Enneagram can be a useful tool for uncovering why people behave the way they do. We have several sessions in our program that are directly applicable to improving how we communicate with, work with and leading others. Register now!

Marching Two by Two

MARCH 1ST, 2015

This month, we focus on Personality Type Two. Twos represent the capacity in all of us to be loving, selfless and generous. While our love can be showered on others through our attention and deeds, it's important to remember our own wants and needs. How can we take care of others if we don't take care of ourselves, too? Discover more about Twos and all nine Enneagram types at our conference. Register now!

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