Using the Enneagram at work
Do you find your coworkers annoying? The Enneagram can be a useful tool for uncovering why people behave the way they do. We have several sessions in our program that are directly applicable to improving how we communicate with, work with and leading others. Register now!
Program Announced
Our detailed presentation lineup is now available. Plan out which sessions you want to see. Register now!
Early Bird Prices
Early Bird prices expire in less than two weeks! With 50 sessions over three days, there is something for everyone at our conference. Enneagram experts from all over North America will be presenting workshops, panels, discussion groups, lightning talks, art activities and performances. Enneagram beginners and experts alike will return from the conference with new knowledge, experience and inspiration for leadership, liberation and life. All this for the price that's about half of what you'd pay at other national and international Enneagram conferences. Register now!
The perfect Valentine's Day Gift
Imagine a partner who completely understands how and why you think, feel and act the way you do. Imagine a partner who accepts you without judgement. Imagine a partner who appreciates what matters to you. The Enneagram is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves, others, and the dynamics of our relationships. Our conference has several workshops that focus on improving our relationships. Register now and learn how to be that perfect partner.
We have a preliminary schedule available. We're still working on the detailed schedule of who presents when. We'll have those details posted soon.
We have secured a discounted hotel rate at a nearby hotel. We have also reserved some University residences. Book your stay soon!
The EnneaGrammys are on tonight! What song do you think best represents each Enneagram type? See the list of finalists and recommend your own!
Let's see type Three
Threes represent the drive to be successful at whatever we set our minds to. Armed with a to-do list and a can-do attitude, they seek to be the best they can be. Let's see type Three through a series of images and videos.
Conference Presentations
JANUARY 26TH, 2015
We are planning to bring you over 40 workshops, panels, birds of a feather sessions, lightning talks, activities and performances. There's something for everyone, including many sessions for those new to the Enneagram. See the whole list of sessions. And don't forget to register before the early bird pricing ends!
And the presenters are...
JANUARY 18TH, 2015
We can now announce our first set of conference presenters. We will be adding more presenters to this list as they are confirmed. Presentation topics will be made available soon.
Presenters Selected
JANUARY 15TH, 2015
Our selection committee has completed its work and is now informing presenters whether or not their proposals were accepted. Once we receive confirmation from the selected presenters, we'll post them here. There are some amazing presentation topics that we can't wait to share with you. Stay tuned...
Explore the Four
Creative and sensitive; romantic and distant; exotic and profound. Fours remind us of the human capability for the experience and appreciation of our emotions. Fours see the beauty in everyday things that the rest of us miss. They perceive the extraordinary in the ordinary. And despite a yearning for close connection with others, there's a sense of specialness in being different and misunderstood. Come explore the Four through a series of images, videos and poems.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year from the conference planning committee. A new year is a time of new resolutions...a new you! Invest in yourself this year by joining us at the Canadian Enneagram Conference. Discover your personality type, identify your gifts and personal challenges. Learn practical applications for leadership, liberation and life. Register Now!
Selection Committee Selecting...
We were delighted to receive so many applications to present at the conference. So many of you are eager to share your expertise and experience. Our selection committee is currently reviewing and evaluating the applications and we hope to have a final list of accepted presentations posted by January 15th. Stay tuned!
Conference Keynote Speaker
We are pleased to announce that Terry Saracino will deliver the keynote speech for our conference. Terry is the founder and president of the Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition. Passionate about the Enneagram, she has taught the Enneagram for 25 years in workshops and conferences around the world.
Five Alive
With five full months to go until our conference, we are celebrating all things Five for the month of December. Trek the halls and warp on over to our collection of pictures, quotations, videos, links about Fives and contribute your own!
Registration Opens
We are happy to announce that registration is open. The registration includes access to all the conference presentations and a delicious buffet lunch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Snacks and drinks are also provided during each day. We accept PayPal, all major Credit Cards, cash and cheques. Take advantage of our Early Bird rate and register now. Special pricing is available for full time students. One and Two day passes are also available.
What is a Lightning Talk?
If you're passionate about the Enneagram but don't have the time to put together a big presentation, consider giving a Lightning Talk. A Lightning Talk is a short (under five minute) presentation on the Enneagram topic of your choice. Maybe the story of how you first came upon the Enneagram, a misconception about your type you'd like to clear up, how the Enneagram has helped you or saved a relationship. Maybe you have the seed of an idea about how the Enneagram could be used, but aren't sure how to implement it. Let people know and they will come to you.
An example of an Enneagram Lightning Talk: a Seven talks about her type.
Apply today to give a Lightning Talk!
Six Mix
With six full months to go until our conference, we are celebrating all things Six for the month of November. See our collection of pictures, quotations, videos, links about Sixes and contribute your own!
Why you should present at our conference
OCTOBER 11TH, 2014
There are so many reasons for you to present at our conference. Click on the video for a few of them. Would you like to present a workshop or panel? How about presenting a lightning talk, facilitating a Birds of a Feather discussion or putting on a performance?
The Seven wonders of the World
With seven months to go until our conference, we are celebrating all things Seven for the month of October. See our collection of pictures, quotations, videos, links about Sevens and contribute your own!
The Eights of September
Eight months to go until our conference. As part of our countdown, September is the month we celebrate all things Eight. We are collecting pictures, quotations, videos, links about Eights. See what we've found. Contribute your own ideas!
Call for Presentations and Contributions
AUGUST 31ST, 2014
We are looking for people who want to share their Enneagram insights, discoveries and experiences in a safe and receptive environment. There are many ways you can be an important part of our conference. You may wish to hold a workshop, facilitate a panel, present a lightning talk, facilitate a Birds of a Feather discussion, perform or exhibit your creative talent. Click here to see how you can participate!
Let the Countdown Begin
AUGUST 2ND, 2014
We are starting a nine month countdown until our conference. Every month we will feature a different personality type. For the month of August, we are collecting pictures, quotations, videos, links about Nines. Take a look at what we've found or contribute your own!
Hello, World!
JULY 25TH, 2014
This website is the home of the forthcoming 2015 Canadian Enneagram Conference. The theme of our conference will be "The Enneagram for Leadership, Liberation and Life." Although the conference is still many months away, we're planning to update our site regularly with Enneagram content, learning resources and conference news. This conference is being hosted by Enneagram North
Stay tuned. More information to follow.