Terry Saracino, MA, MBA has taught the Enneagram for 25 years to individuals and organizations throughout the United States and internationally as a tool for personal, professional and spiritual growth. When she was introduced to the Enneagram in 1989, she knew instantly that she had found her life’s work, and it has been her passion ever since.
Committed to the transformative power of the Enneagram, Terry founded the nonprofit Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT) in 2009, and served as its President through 2014. ESNT is the container for the world-renowned Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP) developed in 1988 by Helen Palmer and David Daniels, MD. Through training programs grounded in the Narrative Tradition, which integrate spirituality, psychology and somatics, ESNT is accomplishing its mission of transforming lives and creating a more compassionate world.
As a Core Faculty member of ESNT, she develops and teaches the EPTP curriculum. Terry also conducts other Enneagram workshops, has written articles and presented her work at numerous Enneagram conferences.
A founding board member of the Enneagram Association in the Narrative Tradition (EANT), she chaired its first conference in 1994 and served in EANT leadership positions for several years. She is also co-founder of the Enneagram Center of the Rocky Mountain Region.
For many years, Terry has pursued her own spiritual journey, both through Enneagram work and, since 1993, as a student of the Ridhwan School (Diamond Approach®), founded by Hameed Ali.